Monday, June 11, 2012

home updates

I'm sick of waiting for my bathroom and my kitchen to get finished.  It's been almost 2 months now and nothing has been touched.  Except...  what I did in the kitchen.  I painted the cabinets while waiting for them to finish.  They need to install the towel racks, the mirrors, the toilet paper holder, etc in the bathroom and the dishwasher in the kitchen.  The reason the cabinet door isn't on the bottom is because our water shut off valve is in there.  You actually have to crawl into it in order to get to it.  I know, this house SUCKS.  I hate it here.  Always have.  But, then again, I don't think I will be happy with ANY house as long as it's in PA.

I still have to clean up, but as of right now I have no where to put anything while I wait on them.  I also have a microwave shelf that needs to get installed, but that's been sitting around for a month.  The dishwasher has been sitting in it's box for 6 months.  IT BETTER WORK!

This was the kitchen when we bought the house (and yeah, LOVE the washer in the TINY kitchen.  NOT)

Close up of the original color

Pot holder in front of the mirrors

This is before I got to the end door.  The hinge is actually UNDER the window frame.  Genius.  Really.  I couldn't take it off.  I had to paint it while it was up there.  That was really hard on the arms and it got all over the place.

Minus the door that I need to put on at the bottom there next to the stove, this is the update.  I added the pot holder to the ceiling.  I added a mirror frame which when you turn the light on it reflects all over the place and brightens up the kitchen.  The bottom is an antique grey and the top is igloo white.  On the opposite side of the kitchen I added a table that folds against the wall when not in use (you saw the tiny kitchen pic) and more cabinets.  Too bad this is all going to be torn out when we re-do the pipes IF WE EVER HAVE MONEY.  It looks really nice.  Would look nicer with SOME ROOM with the microwave being moved to the other wall on its shelf and my dishwasher being installed next to the sink, but give it about a year and that just might happen.

Original bathroom

Original bathroom

Original bathroom - updated floor

Original bathroom

Original bathroom- updated floor.  With a towel around the toilet.  This is what started the whole "knock it all down" process.  Thanks leaky toilet.

Now a few NO bathroom pics...

AND.....  bathroom as of right now until it's finished.
Surround and a new small window above the shower so the neighbor stops looking in when we are in the shower.  The shower head is AWESOME.  Love it.  Bri needed it up really high so he wasn't always knealing to take a shower so I got one that stayed up high and the hand middle that I could pull down if it was too far away.  It's great.  Doesn't leak or anything.

This is actually an inexpensive sink.  I got the white cabinet portion for $40.  (Which also came with the white top, but I switched that on the upstairs sink so that was "new" as well)  The granite sink top was expensive, but not half as much as they wanted for a "nice" cabinet combo.  The faucet was about 30 or 40$.

One cabinet and a couple shelves.  It's nice for medicines/soaps/etc and the shelves for towels.  And I can put pictures or vases on top of the cabinet.

The light at the top is a vent too.  It's really quiet too and doesn't wake anyone up.  No more sweating in the summer due to someone taking a shower in a room that already has a hot boiler!  
Haven't hung our new white and black curtain yet.  I'm lazy and I lost it.  lol

Yeah, that is my mirror for now.  

Don't mind the boiler (let me tell you how much I LOVE that loud ass thing too).  They still have to put the cover on that when they are done too.

My biggest part was the granite floor.  I wanted something that would boost the value of this POS house and look nice.  I wanted them TOGETHER, not apart like this.  It upset me soo much.  I spent soo much time figuring out the floor alone and it was going to be perfect.  Not like this it isn't.  Actually makes me not like the bathroom at all.  I walk in there and it hurts the hell out of my feet.  Bri tells me to put the rugs down.  What is the point of having a super nice expensive floor if we are just going to cover it up?  UGH

And just a tad on the upstairs bathroom for now.  Little bits at a time here.
Very small mirror and horrible cracked/corroded sink

Tiny toilet.  YUCK!

New mirror.

New toilet (I know it doesn't seem like much, but when you get a small one that takes 5 flushes to make TP go down this one is well worth it to hear that it will suck down a basket of golf balls all at once!)

And I don't have a pic of the sink with the white top right now.  We actually got rid of this skinny small one totally and we moved the one that was downstairs up here and changed the blue top to the white.  Looks like we actually spent money on it.  Actually, you can see the cabinet on the other side of the toilet waiting to be installed.  :-)  

I'll have to get pics soon and post that too.  And maybe some pics of the paint I did in the rooms so far?

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