Thursday, June 28, 2012


I don't think it would be worth mentioning books without writing something about them, don't you?

I have to mention first the Monster series.  Monster Island, Monster Nation and Monster Planet.  I like these better than I like World War Z!  Really!  When I heard they were making a World War Z movie I was happy, but I had been saying that the series deserved to be made into a movie.  It will probably never happen, but if it were I'd be first in line.  I really loved it.  It's not your typical zombies.  They talk, they eat everything with a life force (even the bark off the trees) and the mummies (FINALLY) that died after they stoped taking the brain out of the skull before wrapping them even came alive.  I really don't want to give away how this all started, but that's your typical problem as well.  We all know it's coming.  This book shows it did.  The middle book wasn't as interesting as the beginning and the last, but it ties everything together so you have to read them all.  If you want to read something out of the ordinary zombie stereotype and you have an open imagination you need to read them.

Speaking of imagination...  you need a huge one for Breathers.  Yes, another zombie book.  I didn't like this one though.  While it also strays away from the typical zombie stereotype they added things I just didn't like.  They go to meetings to control not eating human flesh.  They are people that died and just won't accept it.  They want normal lives.  They even want a law passed that gives them rights.  Worst part of it all (and this I WILL give away) is that when they do eat flesh they start becoming more and more human.  More and more alive I guess I should say.  Their hearts start beating again.  One chick gets PREGNANT before "breathers" set her on fire and leave her to die again.  I have an open imagination, but this was too much.  It just wasn't my style.

World War Z.  Great book.  Different perspectives from all over the world during and after the zombie outbreak.  How it started.  Everything.  I can't wait for the movie.  I hope it sticks to the book.  If they stray too much it won't be worth watching.  They even have dogs that sniff out if you are infected.  How they train a dog to do that in such a short time, I don't know.  I haven't read it in years, so maybe they said it was a while into the outbreak.  I don't remember.  I just know it actually was one of the best.

Zombie Survival Guide.  Another great book, but honestly I have to say some of it is just common sense and others are a YEAH RIGHT.  I didn't enjoy it as much as everyone else.  I don't know why.  It was good, but not the best.  I think I had too much of an expectation on it.  It's obviously about how to survive a zombie outbreak.  Tips and tricks.  A must have for any zombie book collector anyway.

Zombie Haiku.  It was much shorter than I thought it would be for the price.  If they lowered it to the price of a kids book it wouldn't be so bad.  It was a great short story though.  Throug the eyes of a zombie.  What they think when they go out looking for brains or something they are familiar with.  I liked it.
The Rising.  Hated it.  I never even bothered to read the rest in the series.  Every dead thing becomes a zombie.  When I read about a zombie fish I was done.  This was after a man is happy that his wife is pregnant but then the zombie outbreak starts and she dies and the baby corpse inside her is a zombie coming out.  That was ridiculous.  The whole time he is trying to reach his son.  I could care less if he ever does reach him in the 2nd book.  I'm done with it.  I think it was poorly written and doesn't keep my interest at all.

Patient Zero.  I read about halfway and stopped.  This was another one that just could not keep my attention.  I don't know why.  Usually when I start a book, no matter how horrible or uninteresting it is I read the whole thing.  Not this one though.  I can't say much about it.  You'll have to judge for yourself.

When I was younger I read R. L. Stein.  I don't think there was one I didn't like.  I started reading them in 6th grade.  Not Goosebumps for younger kids, but the Fear Street ones.  This was someone I joined a book club for in order to get every new release sent right to my house.  I even wrote him a letter and he put my name into one of his books!  My name was missing the "e" at the end, but it was awesome to see that!  Everyone always spells my name wrong anyway.  My mother in law has known me my entire life and still spells my name wrong.  They are horror books without the terrible language or gore which is great for kids. 

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