Monday, December 26, 2011

baby new year!

1/3/12 is kyle's 1st birthday, so of course i had to make him "Happy."  although, he HATES hats and he is actually very upset in this photo, you can't really tell by the way the hat is positioned.  :-)

this is one neat reason for not being born on 1/11/11.  he's closer to new years.  it's a pretty upsetting reason too though.  no one wants to go to a kids party when there is a new years party.  learned this with dante.  his birthday is close to halloween and no matter what, if i have the party the weekend  before or the weekend after there is ALWAYS tons of parties and no one can make it.  poor kids.

oh, and in case you don't think he looks upset..  this was the first picture i took.


  1. He's so cute! Love the pictures. :) And I feel you on the party thing... Baby girl was born July 5th. Who cares about baby's bday when there's fireworks?! lol

  2. it may be fun when they get older; finding new ways to celebrate with their friends, but when they are little it stinks. lol
