Monday, December 26, 2011

baby new year!

1/3/12 is kyle's 1st birthday, so of course i had to make him "Happy."  although, he HATES hats and he is actually very upset in this photo, you can't really tell by the way the hat is positioned.  :-)

this is one neat reason for not being born on 1/11/11.  he's closer to new years.  it's a pretty upsetting reason too though.  no one wants to go to a kids party when there is a new years party.  learned this with dante.  his birthday is close to halloween and no matter what, if i have the party the weekend  before or the weekend after there is ALWAYS tons of parties and no one can make it.  poor kids.

oh, and in case you don't think he looks upset..  this was the first picture i took.

Monday, October 24, 2011

i made christmas costumes for the boys!

you can see in the darker photos that i put lights into the wig.  the brighter photos you can't see this.

heat miser and snow miser!

Photo Card

Twinkle Twinkle Snowflakes Christmas
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Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Forgot about the costumes!

While I am in the middle of making two costume for my little ones Christmas photo (pictures will come right around November or so) I remembered that I never posted the costumes I made for myself that I actually have photos of.
So here they are!

Yes, the band is on the wrong arm, but no one told me!!!  Oh well.  Here is my Rinoa costume I made in 2004.

And here is my Princess Kaguya.  This is Luna from Sailor Moon in her Human form.  I made this one in 2009.

In this photo I am wearing the long Purple wig and a hat that my friend knitted for me with Luna ears.  :-)

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Kids Baby Blankets

I started a blanket back in 2000, but I never finished it until 2010.  I miscarried back in 2000, so the blanket kinda went away for 5 years.  When I got pregnant in 2005 I thought I would be able to finish it before my son was born, but he decided to come at 5 months and that thought went right out the window.  Again, it went away for a while.  Finally, a decade long blanket was born!  I drew everything but two.  The Grumpy Bear and the Pikachu pictures were my shirts that I cut up for this in 2000.  In 2010 I added the Mickey (my son loves Disney now), the Ninja Turtle and the Sylvester and Tweetie.  The Care Bears and Darkwing Duck were 10 years ago, and were actually going to take over most of this blanket.  :-)

And, since I don't wanna go through all that again and miss out on making my other son a blanket, I figured since I was learning how to do this anyway, I should make one for him.  The K came out really crappy, but he doesn't have to think that I or everything I do is perfect to love me.